One Voice

Sad. Disappointed. Tired. Angry. Helpless. Hopeful. Determined.

When I asked my colleagues at Nex Cubed how they were processing the murder of George Floyd, as well as the protests and unrest, this range of emotions captured why this particular act of police brutality won’t go quietly into the night. Personally, I am tired of being angry and angry that I am tired. How we as a society address our collective internal conflict will determine whether this moment in time is an inflection point or just another data point. 

If for a time we need to learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable, then so be it. The status quo is unacceptable. We stand for systemic change throughout the criminal justice system. We will continue to use our platform to promote diversity and inclusion, locking arms with entrepreneurs that share our belief that humanity is our most valuable currency. Our voice joins those committed to equality and justice for all.

Hopeful. Determined.

Marlon Evans

CEO, Nex Cubed


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